Thursday, October 1, 2009

Imke 4 Month Update

Name of baby: Imke
Birth date: 02 June 09
How old today: tomorrow she will be 4 months old!!!!!!
Birth stats: 3.24kg, 47cm
Current Weight & length: Will know tomorrow after the 4 month check-up but 2 weeks ago was 59cm & 5.8Kg
Recent milestone reached: She is trying to roll over from her back to her tummy!! And she is laughing & chatting away :-)
Next milestone: Sitting unsupported
How is baby sleeping at night? Like a baby LOL! She sleeps 11 - 13 hours a night. But the last weeks or so she has been waking up but doesn't want a bottle..... I suspect it is her teeth......
And day naps? she is awake for 90 - 100 minutes at a stretch, then she naps for anything from 20 minutes to 1 hour.
Feeding times? Is every 3 hours - she eats well and I am thinking that solids are not too far off.....
What is baby doing right now? Waking up from her morning nap :-)
How is mommy feeling? tired but goooood & in love with my gorgeous baba :-P
How is daddy coping? Don't see her except for bath times & weekends. But he loves chatting to her & playing with her

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Our routine at 4 months

06:21 Wake-up (I swear she has a built-in clock - every morning at 06:21 she says aghooooooo!!)
Nappy change
Quiet Play
Nap (about 40 minutes)

09:30 -ish
Nappy change
nap (about 30 - 40 minutes)

Nappy change
Nap (this one tends to be a little longer - about 55 minutes!)

15:30 -ish
Nappy change
nap (a 20 minute nap!)
quiet play

Start bath routine: Put the same lullaby CD on every night.
Play with her quietly on the carpet while daddy gets the bath water
Get undressed
Bath (we take our time bathing her - she loves lying in the bath & Jeroen & I get to chat softly about our days. She loves 'talking' with us!)
Massage (a bit of tummy time while we massage her back!)
Get in to Jammies (she hates this part!)
Cuddles from Mommy
Then daddy gives her her last bottle of the night
He puts her in bed awake but drowsy :-)

We keep the room lit only by a lamp, so she already knows it is now sleepy time.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Imke 3 Month Update & my check-up

Went for my 3 month check-up this morning and all is hunky-dory. Doc said that if we want to have another baby we need to wait another 3 months & then we can start trying - he says as long as there is a year between births there should be no problemos :-) So I decided to skip the Mirena until we have decided IF & WHEN we want to try again - no use putting it in now & then taking out again in 3 months time..... SO the big discussions start........... LOL!

Also, asked the doc (just for interest sake) about the baby powder causing cervical cancer and he said that there is no truth in that. According to him the thing that causes cervical cancer is the HPV (Human Pappilon Virus). (But use your own judgment here, girls!)

Imke is doing wonderfully! She sleeps 11 - 12 hours a night but during the day she only naps for 35 - 45 minutes 3 times a day! So we play a lot and sing a lot and cuddle a lot! I enjoy her so very much! There are obviously times when it gets a bit much & I find myself wanting to get out a bit, but I miss her so much when I do go somewhere :-) She loves 'talking' and she makes the cutest sounds!!

Her gums are all white & swollen from her teeth coming in - so one of these days we are going to have teething rings in the fridge! Otherwise she is doing so well - she is a real little angel! We are so blessed with this little person in our lives!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Imke 13 week update!

Baby name: Imke
Age: 13 weeks & 1 day
Birth date: 02 June 09
Birth stats: born 09:19, 3.24kg, 47cm
Current Weight & length: will know on Friday when we go for the 3month check-up & vaccinations
Recent milestone reached: the is reaching out for toys (oh and my hair!!!) and grasping so nicely! And the belly laughs are on their way - she tries to but it is not quite there yet :-) Oh, and she has discovered that her fists are the most tasty things on earth!
Next milestone: Ai, she holds her head up so well, but still slumps when propped up to sit - so that is the next BIG thing!
How is baby sleeping at night? She sleeps through yippee!!! from 19:30 till 06:30 most nights :-D
And day naps? not so great he he he! She loves to sleep where there is LOTS of noise for some strange reason!
Feeding times? Going well - she drinks about 140ml per feed on average!
What is baby doing right now? SLEEPING whoo hoo!!!
How is mommy feeling? Doing well - very tired but coping OK
How is daddy coping? The novelty has worn off a bit I think - he still tries to make it for bath time but not as religiously as in the beginning....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

All in a days' work!

Average day of a mommy and an almost 3 month old baby ;-) 

Between 06:00 - 10:00 (depending what time she wakes up) - Nappy change, Feed, Sing-along time, Mommy-pull-faces-time, Nap

Between 10:00 - 15:00 - Nappy change, Tummy-time, Play-time, Feed, Singalong-time, Nap, Mommy-pull-faces-time, Nap

Between 15:00 - 18:00 - Nappy change, Feed, Play-time, Singalong-time, Nap, Walkies (this is Imke's most niggly time of the day!)

Between 18:00 - 19:30 - Get bath ready, Tummy-time, Bath-time, Massage time, getting into pajamas, Feed, Cuddles, Story-time, Sleep

REPEAT 7 days a week!

Oh, and a nap can be anywhere from a five minute 'power' nap to an hour & a half sleep :-)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

On sleeping straight through the night and wedding anniversaries

We are doing so well - Imke surprised us on Saturday night with 9.5 hours of sleep. And on Sunday she slept 10 hours. And Monday 10.5 hours. And last night a whole 11 hours! From 19:00 till 6:00! It seems the trend will continue (hold thumbs!!) and that she is now going to sleep through just before her 3 month birthday heee haaa!

She is such a cutie - she loves 'talking' to mommy(ah-ghuuuuu) and she seems to 'sing' with when I sing to her! She ah-ghuu's along while I am singing and then stops when I stop singing - it is so darling!! She is also starting to reach for stuff - not much luck yet in grasping them but she gets sooo excited and flaps her little arms up & down!!

And it is my birthday on Sunday!!! AND our 1st wedding anniversary - whooo hooo! Jeroen seems to be planning all kinds of things cause I asked what are we doing and he said "wait & see" - so very excited :-)

Can't believe last year this time I was getting ready to marry this sweet man of mine (today a year ago I was being waxed to within an inch of my life LOL!!) and here we are a year later with a precious little baba!!! Wow is all I can say :-)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Poetic Justice..

Definition: Vice to be punished and virtue to be rewarded, but also for logic to triumph...

Ye, Gods, the person who coined that phrase must have been a new parent. I just know that he/she felt the same as I am feeling right now - the same ironic twist of fate that reveals itself to you as you consider your child's future.

I've spend so much of my life thinking that my sisters' rebellion was directly caused by my parents' overindulgence. That my detached attitude towards them stems from them not holding me or cuddling me enough. That my insecurities are due, in part, to not feeling loved enough by the two people who should, in all rights, love me the most.

And then, WHAM, the tables are turned. I have a child of my own. Now everything I do or don't do has an influence on this little human's life. NOTHING can prepare you for this feeling - it is just so overwhelming.

I want to do everything right, no mistakes. I do not want her to ever feel that I have let her down. But I guess that the rational part of me knows that that is just impossible. Even if a parent does everything in their power to do things 'right', there will come a time when, in your child's eyes you did the wrong thing. Even if the 'vice' was not deliberate it will be 'punished' :-)

And then I also just so wish with my whole heart & my whole soul that I can keep my baby from ever feeling sad or hurt. I wish I could save her from ever spilling a tear because of injustice or unfairness. But logic will prevail - I know I can not prevent all heartache from ever visiting my dearest little girl. I know I can not stop tears that are bound to fall. All I can do, and do to the best of my ability, is be there to dry those tears and to provide a safe place to fall.

Oh, brother but I am maudlin tonight :-) Forgive my ramblings friends - when you are so tired you can't sleep your mind does strange things he he he.

Can I just add one thing, please?

I ABSOLUTELY ADORE, LOVE, CHERISH MY LITTLE GIRL :-) I wish every person on earth could experience this feeling of utter unabashed, unselfish, unconditional love for another human being.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

First 6 weeks are tough!

I won't bullshit you - the first 6 weeks are hectic LOL! You don't get much sleep and you are nervous & apprehensive as to whether you are doing things right. If you are breastfeeding you keep on wondering if your baby is getting enough to eat - if you are bottle feeding your baby has twice as many eina winds to try and rub out.

You feel guilty when you can't get your baby to stop crying - like you are a failure as a mother cause you can't read her cues. It DOES get stressful and on top of it all your hormones are still all over the place so you cry at the drop of a hat..... AND your own body is still recovering from the birth (whether C-sect or vaginal). I kept on saying to Jeroen that when I step out of the shower (TMI following.....) that I don't know where to pad first - sanitary, breast pad or tissue for my tears. Your breast may hurt & I did not like the tingling feeling every time my milk let down.

BUT - it gets better! There is light at the end of the tunnel & you WILL get through it. Make sure you have a support network - even if it is just your husband or a domestic worker that you trust. You will need to be able to have a nice long bath or a walk down the road while someone else holds baby or keeps an eye on her. Get out of the house even if just for half an hour! If you are close to your mother, let her come visit for a week or so after your baby is born (but only from week 3 I would recommend - so you have time to bond with your baby first!)

And all of a sudden at about 5 - 6 weeks she starts making noises that sounds like she is trying to communicate with you and she might start smiling and you can read most of her cries and you know it was all worth it!!

I said to Jeroen that I can not imagine going through this with a man who I don't feel 100% comfortable with. Cause all of a sudden you are not their sexy love goddess (LOL!!) anymore but a human milk machine that bleeds & cries and want to talk about how many dirty nappies there was today ;-)

So, prepare your DH's for what lies ahead!!!

Also, the BIG thing that has made this whole experience sooo much easier for us is that we had no preconceived ideas about what lay ahead. I know I've said this before, but it is so true (for us at least he he he!!). Make peace with the fact that your best laid plans (breastfeeding, co-sleeping or not etc) MAY not work! If you are willing to just take each day as it comes & not get stressed out cause your plans are not working then you will have so much more fun with your little bundle.

Also, HUMOUR! Laugh at yourselves! Cause crying doesn't make anything better & if you can see the humour in a situation you will calm down & your baba will be more relaxed as well!!

Imke 'slept through'!!

On her 6 week "birthday"!!!

Which doesn't mean she slept right through the night (yes, you learn these things quickly!) - but she dropped her 11 o'clock feed! Which means she slept from 19:30 to 02:30! That is a whole 7 hours :-)

Unfortunately she did not inform her mommy of her plans and mommy sat up waiting for the wake-up call (ahhh ahhh ahhh wheeeeeeeee) - so mommy only got 2.5 hours sleep last night he he he ;-)

PS - preggy girls, you must must must get the Sleep Sense book - and read it beforehand if possible. Try to implement the sleeping strategies from the start & you will be a MUCh more contented mommy & your baby will love you for it as well. In baby world sleep begets sleep -so the better she sleeps during the day the better her night sleeps are. Really a very helpful book.

PSS - she is also smiling at mommy - melts your heart I tell you!!

Our first gummy smiles!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

First Shopping trip with Imke :-)

I am heading to the shops WITH IMKE for the first time today...... he he he please think of me LOL!!! I am a little bit nervous :-)


he he he, so we are back!!! And we survived!!! She is actually such a little angel that I don't know why I even get stressed :-)

And she got spoilt rotten again - she got a bouncy chair & a bumbo seat and new vesties & a rattle etc etc etc. Amazes me to think that I would NEVER EVER have spent R2000-00 in 1 day on myself but I don't even blink when it's for Imke LOL!!!!!!

(BTW - it was the bouncy chair that was so very expensive (R780 odd))

Had fun though with all the tannies wanting to see this cute tiny little baba!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Almost 1month already!

I can not believe that it is almost a month since this little sweetheart has joined our family! She is growing sooo fast & is such a pleasure to have around!

We are doing a newborn shoot tomorrow - can't wait :-) I will post those pics as soon as I have them!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

20 of being a mommy & Imke's Birth Story

20 days of being a Mommy ;-) The time really flies – and Imke is growing soooo much! She has grown 4.75cm since birth & her weight is now 3.470kg! And her little cheeks are getting so chubby – it is too cute for words!!

I don’t think I can really describe the last 20 days – exhilarating, exhausting, wonderful, frightening, emotional, nerve wracking, filled with love, love, love………………..

I was not prepared for how much I would love this little girl – I thought I knew, but nothing compares to this overpowering sense of love & wonderment every time I look at her little face. I love her so much it hurts my eyes to look at her…….

The c-section went smooth; my blood pressure just dropped a whole lot & I was in recovery for a little longer than is usual. I felt very dizzy & cold but otherwise fine. Beforehand I was so scared of the drip & catheter (strangely enough I was not scared of the spinal tap LOL!!) but none of it was sore at all.

They had a bit of trouble getting Imke’s head out (since she was breech) – her ears seem to get hooked LOL!!! But it all went so very quick – from the cut being made to her being placed on my chest was maybe 7 minutes in all.

It was absolutely amazing to hear that first cry – my heart just melted & I was crying right along with her! What an amazing, amazing moment seeing your child for the fist time :-)

I was up & about the day after the op – was quite sore but I think the quicker you get up the quicker you heal. My milk also came in very quickly – I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I was roaming the hallways so soon!

Breastfeeding….. now that is another story all together LOL!!! Imke’s little mouth could just not latch correctly – my nipples were soooo sore after just one or two feeds. As soon as we got home I started expressing milk cause I hurt just too much. So she still gets the benefit if breast milk but from a bottle! And Jeroen gets to share the joy of feeding his daughter. She is also very very voraciously hungry LOL!!! So we are topping up with Formula as the breast milk is just not enough for her :-)

I am healing very nicely – sometimes the place where the inside stitches were seem to hurt (I am sure they are dissolved already though). The wound is healing nicely – my gynea has given me some kind of tape (almost like masking tape?) that I put over the wound & then rub bio-oil or tissue oil over until the tape falls off & then I just put a new piece over. He said that would minimise the scarring & prevent keloids from forming.

Emotionally the last 3 weeks have been very very up & down! The tears pour for no reason at the most random moments! Never underestimate the changes your hormones will be going through ;-) But I have not felt sad or blue or anything like that – there are just moments where I have felt a little bit overwhelmed by it all. It is so frightening to realize that this little human being is totally & utterly dependent on you for her EVERY need.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Imke, 2 weeks old!

WOW!! Tomorrow Imke is 2 weeks old already! I can not believe how the time has FLOWN past.

Being a mommy is exciting, exhilarating, exhausting, frightening, nerve wracking, wonderful! I can not put into words how much I love this little bundle of of ours :-) She has filled our lives more than I ever thought possible & I can not get over how perfectly wonderful she is (I am prejudiced; I know LOL!!!!)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Imke's Birth Announcement

Was born at 9h19. 3.24kg & a whole 47cm tall. Mom tired but everyone is doing fine. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Jeroen, Cyndi & Imke


Monday, June 1, 2009

1 Sleep left!!

All I can say is wow - tomorrow we will be meeting little Imke :-)

We were at the doc this morning & all is set for tomorrow - I will be done at about 8am.

I am feeling fine - my 'fanny' bone (for lack of a better description he he he) is just very sore the past few days. And my hubby is sick as a dog with flu - had to rush him to emergency room last night with fever & throwing up. I think it is 70% sickies & 30% nerves :-)

Excited but calm, can't wait to meet Imke and hold her in my arms!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

37 Week Preggy Update

I am feeling bluh & tired today - with 8 sleeps to go. Just feel heavy & I have terrible lower back pain.

We had a check-up this morning and all is fine & on track. Imke has gone from 2.6kg 2 weeks ago to 3.1kg today! So she is growing nicely & will probably be about 3.5Kg or thereabouts next Tuesday.

She is still sitting VERY comfortable with her head tucked under my boobs (read: she is headbutting her mother & causing horrid indigestion!!!). Her heartbeat is perfect & my blood pressure is perfect - so no worries. She will be delivered via C-section @ about 08:00am on Tuesday 2nd June @ Sandton Medi-Clinic.........

uhmmmmmmmm, as far as the renovations are concerned: We SHOULD be finished on Tuesday.............. Carpets are being installed on Wednesday & I want everything done before then........ I have now reverted to incentives (braai & beer on Tuesday night LOL!!!) when they are finished!! But I am quietly confident that all will work out. On Thursday I have a whole army of cleaners (ie my mother, her domestic, my domestic, me, dad) coming to clean my house so everything will be spic & span (hopefully) by Friday.....

Yesterday J & I were in the shops from 11 till 4 (my feet, my poor feet!!!) getting the last of the stuff we need. Imke got the cutest little CD player (spoilt rotten already!!) and I got the white wicker washing basket & dustbin & still wanted for her room.

At Jeroen's 'baby shower' at work they gave us the coolest mobile & the softest Perla blanket and loads of other goodies :-) They are so lovely to do this for the dads!

Anyhoo.... that be my 2nd last update...... Next Monday we are going to the doc for last check & then I go in on Tuesday Morning (decided I want to sleep at home on Monday night although doc says I should rather book in already....)

Friday, May 15, 2009

36 Week Preggy Update

We had our 36 week appointment at the doc this morning - all is well & on track!

We see him agian in 10 days (the 25th) & then again on Monday the 1st - the day before the op. She is still lying breech - and she is now too big to turn... I am happy about the C-section though.

I am suffering quite a bit from pain in my lower back & feet, and turning over in bed at night is so uncomfortable. And I am having the strangest dreams - last night I dreamt that I give birth & it is the most beautiful GINGER CAT....... WTF???? LOL!!

On the renovations front all is going ok - we are on schedule to finish next Friday. We are only having issues finding the shower doors to fit our space..... We decided to be indulgent and have a double shower but now I can't seem to find doors to fit he he he!! Didn't plan that too well :-) But no worries, we will make a plan!

The time is flying by now & we are very excited to meet our baba - also quite nervous but I guess that is too be expected!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

33 Week Preggy update

1) How far along are you now?
32 weeks, 4 days

2) When is your due date?
2nd June

3) What has been your preggy high this week?
Imke is soooo busy at the moment - also did a 4D scan on Tuesday & saw her little fat baby hands & feet! So awesome!!!

4) What has been your preggy low this week?
Just tiredness & my feet swelling to the size of bread loaves................

5) What is your current over-riding emotion?
Is tiredness an emotion???

6) What is on your list of things to do in the next month re prep for baby?
Getting the renovations to the house completed & then putting in the new carpets. Then need to sort everything that has been moved out back to where it needs to go.....

7) When is your next appointment?
Monday, 4th May - going every 2 weeks now.

8) What is your current craving?
None - except I crave SLEEP!!

9) How are you feeling physically?
Tired & swollen

10) How are you feeling emotionally?
Good but tired

11) How is your partner dealing with the pregnancy at this stage?
Still in master planner mode :-)

12) Do you know the sex of your baby yet? And do you have a name finalised?
Our baby girl will be called Imke

13) Will you be trying for Natural or Caesar?
If she stays in the Frank breech position (which seems likely as she is almost too big to manoeuver her way around) we will go C-section

14) Which hospital will you be having your baby at?
Sandton Medi-Clinic

15) How are you feeling about the pregnancy at this point?
Can't wait for the next 5 odd weeks to fly by so we can meet our daughter!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

32 Weeks & tackling MAJOR Renovations...

Just a quick update after our 32 week check up today! Imke is growing like mad & is healthy and all is well except that she is in the Frank Breech position at the moment..... That means she is lying with her head at my boobs and her legs are flexed at the hip and extended at the knees (with feet near her ears).

Hopefully she turns soon!!!

Our hospital pre-admission stuff is booked & sorted - now just have to wait for her to decide how & when she wants to come face to face with mommy & daddy!

I am doing well - except for heartburn & sleeping issues I am actually doing very well!

On another note - how crazy are we??? We were thinking of moving but after looking around at houses and not finding anything we liked we decided to stay where we are for the next 5 - 7 years. But we need some work done & carpets etc etc etc.... We are starting demolition on Monday.................................. We have about 6 or 7 weeks to get it done (my dad is doing all the work so I can bend his ear if they dawdle too much LOL!!). We are cutting it very fine but our house will be PERFECT after all this is done! Can't wait for the finished product he he he :-)

Monday, March 30, 2009

29 Week Preggy Update

1) How far along are you now?
29 WEEKS & 1 DAY

2) When is your due date?
2 JUNE 09

3) What has been your preggy high this week?

4) What has been your preggy low this week?

5) What is your current over-riding emotion?

6) What is on your list of things to do in the next month re prep for baby?

7) When is your next appointment?

8) What is your current craving?

9) How are you feeling physically?

10) How are you feeling emotionally?

11) How is your partner dealing with the pregnancy at this stage?

12) Do you know the sex of your baby yet? And do you have a name finalised?

13) Will you be trying for Natural or Caesar?
CAESAR PROBABLY.....................

14) Which hospital will you be having your baby at?

15) How are you feeling about the pregnancy at this point?

Monday, March 23, 2009

28 Week Preggy Update

We had our 28 week check-up on Friday & all looks fine! Imke is just very very BIG already - almost 1.5kg! Doc now wants to see us every 2 weeks from now on.... so the end is in sight!! I can not believe how quickly it has all gone... At times when you don't have a bump yet & you can't feel baba move you think it will NEVER end... but it really does seem to fly past!

Imke is very busy - she likes to start a little party when I lie down for a rest and she LOVES doing the riverdance on my bladder... I feel like I need to sit on the loo 24/7...

And the bloody stretchmarks are now making their presence known.... and I tissue oil etc after every bath or shower since the start... but I guess you are either prone to stretchmarks or not.

Monday, March 2, 2009

25 Week Preggy update

1) How far along are you now?
25 weeks & 1 day

2) When is your due date?
+- 14 June 09

3) What has been your preggy high this week?
Could feel Imke reacting to the dogs barking all of a sudden! She seemed to get a fright and I could feel her curling up in a little ball :-)

4) What has been your preggy low this week?
Still waiting to finish her room....... I want to nest but we are still not sure if we are staying or moving... & cot + chest of drawers not finished painted yet.... Aaaag just feel bluh about this.

5) What is your current over-riding emotion?
Impatience LOL! Want to get to 38 weeks now!!

6) What is on your list of things to do in the next month re prep for baby?
Move house??? New Carpets if we don't move??? LOADS OF STUFF.............

7) When is your next appointment?
20 March - Will be 28 weeks

8) What is your current craving?
None really

9) How are you feeling physically?
Good, lower back get sore from sitting too long or in one position for too long. But otherwise no hassles!

10) How are you feeling emotionally?
Good, feeling quite 'level' IYKWIM... no ups, no downs...

11) How is your partner dealing with the pregnancy at this stage?
He is very good to me, can see he has moments of panic when thinking of baba coming within 2.5 months LOL!

12) Do you know the sex of your baby yet? And do you have a name finalised?
It's a girl - her name will be Imke

13) Will you be trying for Natural or Caesar?
Haven't decided yet.

14) Which hospital will you be having your baby at?
Sandton Medi-Clinic

15) How are you feeling about the pregnancy at this point?
Good, happy, excited, impatient, excited, happy I did I mention excited????

Monday, February 23, 2009

BabyMoon and 24 week update

We had an absolutely fabulous time on our break to the wild coast! Umngazi was fantastic (seems the place to go if you have kiddies as they keep them entertained till they are fit to drop LOL - braaing marshmellows on the beach etc!). We will def consider going back there once Imke is of the age to run around!

Stayed at a fab place in Underberg on the way down ( Little cottage in the forest & such wonderful people.

Haga Haga was good also, although the place is old & with my heightened sense of smell the musty sea-smell got to me!

Was lovely spending some quality time with Jeroen & we got to discuss a lot of things that you don't get to chat about on day-to-day basis.

One thing that was a bit not lekker was all the driving... my lower back was very uncomfortable no matter how many pillows I sat on LOL!!

We had our 24 week dr appointment today and Imke is growing ferociously! Her head circumference is that of a baby 2 weeks alder than she is....... & already almost a KG!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

21 Week Preggy update

1) How far along are you now?
21 weeks & 3 days

2) When is your due date?
between 10 & 14 June 09

3) What has been your preggy high this week?
Imke deciding she likes the right bottom corner of my womb and refusing to move!!!!!

4) What has been your preggy low this week?
See above LOL!!! Imke deciding she likes the right bottom corner of my womb and refusing to move makes it very uncomfortable to sit down :-/

5) What is your current over-riding emotion?
Can't wait for 40 weeks now LOL!!

6) What is on your list of things to do in the next month re prep for baby?
We might be buying a new house, so all room prep has come to a standstill......

7) When is your next appointment?
23 Feb - will be 24 weeks & 1day

8) What is your current craving?
None really

9) How are you feeling physically?
Fine, though sleeping is already getting to be a bit more difficult!

10) How are you feeling emotionally?
Good, happy, wondering about who she will be....

11) How is your partner dealing with the pregnancy at this stage?
He is excited still; I think byuing all the stuff like the pram makes it more real for them :-)

12) Do you know the sex of your baby yet? And do you have a name finalised?
Our little girl will be named Imke

13) Will you be trying for Natural or Caesar?
haven't decided yet..............

14) Which hospital will you be having your baby at?
Sandton Medi-Clinic

15) How are you feeling about the pregnancy at this point?
'Half way there' is the overriding thought at the moment!

Friday, January 16, 2009

19 week Preggy update

1) How far along are you now?
18 weeks 5 days
2) When is your due date?
+- 14 June 09
3) What has been your preggy high this week?
seeing baba yawn on the scan!!
4) What has been your preggy low this week?
Feeling very low on energy and have throbbing headaches....
5) What is your current over-riding emotion?
relief that all is fine with baba
6) What is on your list of things to do in the next month re prep for baby?
get all baba furniture... will be using my old cot, but need a chest of drawers still.
7) When is your next appointment?
20 February
8) What is your current craving?
red grapetiser & fruit & salty stuff (espesially slap chips!!)
9) How are you feeling physically?
no energy, but think something else is going on....
10) How are you feeling emotionally?
11) How is your partner dealing with the pregnancy at this stage?
I think he is feeling a bit left out cause I can feel her moving and he can't but otherwise he is good. keeps talking about 'his daughter' LOL!!
12) Do you know the sex of your baby yet? And do you have a name finalised?
It's a girl!!!! Her name will be Imke.
13) Will you be trying for Natural or Caesar?
haven't made up my mind yet....
14) Which hospital will you be having your baby at?
Sandton medi clinic
15) How are you feeling about the pregnancy at this point?
Just want to meet my baba now!!