On Christmas Eve, when all the family was here, we made delicious snacks and a cheese board with fig preserve and onion marmalade and all the other fab cheese accompaniments. The grown-ups played Pictionary, and we had so many laughs. Interesting to see how people think and reason ;-)
Imke and her Oma & Opa van den Broek played up a storm - I SO love how they just go for it and always play with her and have fun together. Memories are made of this!
Just before dinner everyone went to freshen up, and the ladies donned their bit of bling ;-)
Imke chose this silver dress, and the shoes - and felt so beautiful! (the pic on right is her making a model pout lol!) |
At about 7pm we all sat down for dinner (which was delicious and WAY too much, as always!). Then we handed out our Secret Santa prezzies. And we had a little gift for each of our guests, to say thank you for their presence at this special time.
I got Jeroen series 1 - 4 of The Big Bang Theory - we love that show so much! And thanks to Chicara from the fab
Lipgloss Kisses who blogged about these notebooks which look like VHS tapes from Big Blue, I got it for my BIL who is a film editor, and he adored it! (by the way, Lipgloss Kisses is an awesome blog for those looking for beauty and prettiness inspiration - head over there; promise you won't be disappointed!) We got my mom and my sister some pretties from Carol Boyes (and I also got spoiled with some from my husby!)
I made Imke a mattrass, fitted sheet, duvet and pillow for her dolly's crib
Silliness always ensues when the whole family is together - I love love love when everyone relaxes and gets silly!
After we put Imke in bed, I got down to business - Mission from Santa Clause MAGIC business :-)
I traced one of J's shoes, used it as a stencil and sprinkled cornflower and glitter to make Santa's snowy footprints coming out of the fireplace.
Then I munched half a carrot, got Jeroen to nibble half a biscuit and swirled a bit of milk around a glass. All ready for Santa and the reindeer's visit! We also put a ribbon around her prezzie from Santa, and laid it out all the way to her bedroom; for her to follow in the morning.
In the morning, Imke followed the ribbon with a bit of hesitation, then she inspected the footprints with awe, and then giggled when she saw the remnants of Santa's snack. And when she saw her prezzie and the note from Santa (which Christmas Elf delivered), she was ecstatic!
She had asked Santa for a pink foot scooter - and he didn't disappoint!!
After everyone was up and dressed, we made a big brunch and had a swim and relaxed.
And after everyone went home, a huge rain storm started and we cuddled inside building and playing with Imke's new Lego! So much fun!
We had a magical Christmas - thank you to our families for joining in the magic and for all the love. We adore you all, and the memories made this Christmas season will last a lifetime. Mwah xxx