Saturday, July 16, 2011

The best paid job in the world?

I have heard many mommies say that they would not be able to be stay-at-home moms because they need the stimulation of a working environment and the adult conversation. I am not one of those mommies lol! I just LOVE being able to be there for all of Imke's milestones, to be the first to see her crawl and walk and jump. I love knowing that when she needs me, I am right there. I adore the special moments we get to share every single day - hugs and kisses, silly giggles and precious smiles.

Sometimes the nursery rhymes and repeated readings of the same stories does get to me, I won't lie ;-) But I always just think that this stage of Imke's life just lasts a moment - before we know it she will be a teenager and won't have time for her mommy's cuddles anymore *sob*.

So whenever I feel it getting to much, I just close my eyes and remind myself that in a blink of an eye she will be all grown up, and these few precious moments need to be savoured.

As for grown up conversations, these days with cellphones, WhatsApp, Internet etc, there is no feeling of being isolated. I have contact with many dear friends during the day, and we have play dates with friends often. And although we tend to chat mostly about our kids, it is what is most important in my life at the moment, so I don't feel I am missing out.

I take my hat off to moms who balance work and home; it can't be easy. But at the same time I praise moms who stay at home and give their all to their little beings - you are giving your child the very thing she needs most: your love and cuddles, hugs and attention. We are blessed to be able to be there and be their teachers!!

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