Thursday, May 26, 2011

Only = lonely?

One week to go until our little girl turns 2. And all of a sudden those nagging thoughts about whether or not to have another baby is making me insane. 

Everyone has an opinion about this, and I get asked almost on a daily basis when nr 2 is coming. In all honesty, I do not know whether I want another baby. But I am also not sure whether I don't want another one. I flip flop between the 2 so many times a day. And while I am thinking NO more babies, my reasons are perfectly clear and they make sense. and then 2 minutes later I want ANOTHER baby, and my reasons are perfectly clear and they make sense.. Arrgghh, this is probably the hardest

Monday, May 16, 2011


Bittersweet - adjective /ˈbitərˌswēt/
Arousing pleasure tinged with sadness or pain

This is the word that describes being a mother the best for me. Love and pleasure tinged with sadness and pain, indeed.

You want your little person to grow up and be independent and confident and self-assured, but the first time baby starts doing something for themselves - be it crawling, walking, insisting on feeding themselves, waving you bye bye from the classroom - your heart aches with pride and sadness. They are not as dependent on you anymore. Bittersweet...

While you would do anything in your power to keep them safe and pain free, you have to let them go and explore the world, and let them fall and stumble, as that is how they learn. Bittersweet...

Being a mommy is not for sissies!